B-Five Simleague
FBB 2 - Druckversion

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FBB 2 - Skamander - 01.08.2012

Von Brian dem Entwickler des Spiels:

Zitat:July 31 - I was thinking I was due for an update. Time flies. I was finally able to get a build ready for a small group of testers back on the 21st. They are keeping me busy with new suggestions and fixes. While there is still a ways to go, that is always a big step for me. I tend to get the most done when I'm getting constant feedback. Even though I don't have anything to share as far as new features today, hopefully people will take the move to the next phase of development as good news.

[Bild: freuu29x34.gif]

RE: FBB 2 - DaBigMarv - 01.08.2012

Nice, das wird frischen Wind reinbringen!

RE: FBB 2 - Skamander - 19.08.2012

Breaking News:

Zitat:Current estimate is sometime in the last 3 months of the year. Shooting for October but obviously if more work needs to be done at that point then it will take longer.

RE: FBB 2 - Skamander - 20.09.2012

Zitat:Much of my recent work has gone into finances. In terms of finances and the cap, you can play with a hard(ish) cap, a soft cap only, or full finances has your owner set your max budget. The system for ticket prices works like it did with Season Ticket Basketball. You can set the average ticket price long with the prices for club seats and luxury suites. You'll have the option to build a new arena or to attempt to move to a new city if your proposal fails in your current city.

In the overall process, here is an idea of what needs to be done:

Interaction between leagues
In game league editors
Team exports/Imports
Engine Balancing

There are some steps I'm missing but this should give you a general idea. I'll also be looking to add a few more testers in the near future.

RE: FBB 2 - DaBigMarv - 11.01.2013

Habe gerade eine Regular Season mit der Demoversion abgeschlossen.

Einer der wichtigsten Punkte: Stats sehen für mich realistischer aus als bei FBB.
Man beachte die Quote trotz niedrigem Insidewert.
[Bild: r7en8ggh.jpg]

Und hier die Scorerliste.
[Bild: gc62m2kp.jpg]

RE: FBB 2 - snoop - 25.11.2013

Es gibt mittlerweile FBB 3, nennt sich Fast Break Pro Basketball 3, also FBPB 3...

Hat das jemand mal getestet, kann man bestehende Ligen übernehmen, usw...? Vielleicht ergibt sich ja was interessantes...

edit: hier die url dazu

RE: FBB 2 - sugarstevy - 25.11.2013

das klingt geil!

Probieren, probieren, probieren :)!

RE: FBB 2 - sugarstevy - 09.07.2014

bei unserer partner sim fba wird auf fbb2 umgestellt

und ein team ist noch frei... die celtics... könnt gerne mal reinschauen :)

RE: FBB 2 - looptroop - 09.07.2014

Die mavs sind auch noch frei

RE: FBB 2 - gabilon - 10.07.2014

wird da eigentlich auch weitergespielt oder gehts dann wieder 19xx wieder los?